Friday, 13 July 2018

Reasoning with SOLID Principles: Dependency Inversion

Dependency Inversion

The dependency inversion principle is the final tool from our SOLID toolbox, basically depend on interfaces rather than other classes. This way the implementation can be switched out as our objects are less coupled together. This little pattern can be very useful when you just plain want to switch the way a dependency is referenced for more menial reasons. Like perhaps you want to reference a class that is in a higher package than you, why not just have the low package define an interface and the high one implement it.

Dependency inversion is also pretty related to dependency injection, they are not the same thing or done for exactly the same reason, but dependency injection makes use of the dependency inversion principle to allow to you specify a set of tools you require, allowing the dependency system to select at run time the things that fill your needs. This is very useful for testing.

My main warning about this principle is very similar to the open closed principle, try to avoid over use. You don't need to start with this pattern, if a dependency needs to be inverted it will become clear over time. Refactor to patterns rather than starting with them, and you often end up with simpler code.

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